Making Choices

Making choices gives your child a chance to communicate his needs and ideas. It is a good way to help them learn how useful communication skills can be. It can also help give a sense of having some control over their environment.

You may need to start by offering a favourite item and something you know your child does not like. As soon as they have grasped the idea of choosing, you can offer two favourite items. Keep it simple by offering only two options.

Good times to offer choices:

  • Mealtimes Choose between snacks and drinks or choose a filling for a sandwich.


  • Getting dressed Offer choices between clothes e.g. ‘the football T-shirt or the dinosaur T-shirt?’


  • Bedtime Offer a choice of stories.


  • Play time Offer choices between two toys, DVDs or books. Choose between two songs or games. Set up activities using puppets or dolls. Offer choices, e.g. “Does dolly want dinner or a drink?”; “Does teddy want to sleep or jump?”  Use an inset puzzle. Ask your child to choose which pieces to put in e.g. ‘the boat’ or ‘the train’.


  • Outdoor play  Ask “the swing or the slide?”; “a big jump or a little jump?”.