Request for SLT Assistance

What is a request for assistance?

Request for Assistance is a procedure which has replaced our previous referral system.

What might happen next when a Request for Assistance is received?

The information is gathered from the request in order to decide what assistance would suit the child / young person at that time based on their needs and the impact of the presenting communication issues. The assistance from the Speech and Language Therapy service as a result of the request could be:

  •  Support and tailored advice for parents/carers and the family


  • Consultation and advice with education staff


  • Signposting staff to resources and approaches that would support the child/young person


  • Modelling activities for staff and the family to use to support communication


  • Ongoing assessment and direct support for the child/ young person individually or within a group

A parent/carer or a professional can request assistance from Speech and Language Therapy. The contact details for your local Speech and Language Therapy Department are here.

If your child is known to the Speech and Language Therapy service or you are requesting support from the NHS Lothian Speech and Language Therapy team, then you may find the following website helpful.