Telephone Helplines
In Midlothian, you can discuss your child with a Speech and Language Therapist from the team, please phone the telephone helpline on 0131 454 9544 on Tuesdays from 2.00 – 4.00pm.
Toddle In
Toddle In is a drop-in service run by the local Health Visiting Team at Newbattle Community Centre and Eastfield Health Centre. The Midlothian Speech and Language Therapy team also attend this drop-in every second month and are available to have a chat about your concerns and give you some advice and strategies on how you can support your child’s speech and language development at home.
Please contact your health visitor to access this service.
Let’s Talk for Little Ones
We are now pleased to be able to offer Let’s Talk for Little Ones webinars online! These webinars are aimed at parents, to give information and ideas about supporting your child’s language and communication. You will find out about typical language development, as well as learning some strategies and ideas to try at home with your child.
You can register for a live webinar here.
Here is a recorded webinar to watch now if you prefer.
Signalong is a system of hand signs which support the understanding of spoken language and expressive communication. Signalong can be used alongside other visual communication strategies e.g. objects, photographs, Boardmaker symbols, to provide an inclusive communication learning environment for children and young people.
The Speech and Language Therapy Departments in Midlothian and East Lothian are offering a varied programme of workshops, short introductory courses and foundation level courses for parents/carers throughout the year.
You can contact the Speech and Language Therapy department on 0131 454 9544 for further information.