Information from your local SLT team

Webinars for parents and carers in Lothian

We host a variety of webinars available for families from across the Lothians.

Please see our Webinars Page for further details.


You can call you local Speech and Language Therapy department to speak to a Speech and Language Therapist for advice and support. Here are the details for making contact with us, including local Speech and Language Therapy Helplines.


Drop in/Toddle in

West Lothian,East Lothian and Midlothian Speech and Language Therapy Teams offer Drop-in/Toddle-in sessions to families who live in these areas.

If your child is under 4 years old and you have concerns or questions about their listening and/or talking, you can come along to a Drop in/Toddle in to meet a local NHS Speech and Language Therapist and learn some fun ways to help your child. Please bring your child along with you to these sessions.

To book one of these sessions please follow your local team guidance by clicking on your area above.